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Tugas B.Inggris 2 #

April 24, 2016

Definition Toefl          :

Toefl which stands for Test Of English as a Foreign Language standardization of English language skills a person in writing that includes four aspects of mastery: Listening, structure and Reading. TOEFL test scores below 450 indicate that English skills are still the standard, while the value of 450-499 demonstrate English language skills are above average but there are still some things that need to be strengthened further.
The forms TOEFL Test ever introduced to the public, namely:

  1. PBT-TOEFL or TOEFL Paper Based Test or in our language is a paper-based TOEFL test. This test is done on paper with three exam sessions are Listening, Structure and Reading. TOEFL This type has a range of values or scores from 310 to 677 as the maximum value. Currently, PBT-TOEFL is no longer applied in the international sphere, except for a few countries. However, there are many local agencies in Indonesia are still willing to accept the results of PBT-TOEFL score.
  2. CBT-TOEFL or Computer Based Test TOEFL or computer-based TOEFL test. This test uses a software published by ETS as the testing medium. In other words, the test participants working on the problems of computer-based TOEFL exam. In tests of this type, there are four exam sessions are Listening, Structure, Reading, and Writing. CBT-TOEFL has a range of values between zero and 330 as the highest value.
  3. Lastly is the iBT-TOEFL or Internet Based Test TOEFL or also called Internet-based TOEFL test. Type the TOEFL test is already valid and recognized globally. TOEFL This type was introduced and enforced internationally in 2005. Type the TOEFL test is still done on the computer, only this time there is no support software as a medium for testing, but do it online or in other words, examinees will have problems when doing tests that directly provided by ETS online. The test consists of four exam sessions are Listening, Writing, Reading, and Speaking with a maximum value of 120, and lasts for 4 hours. Any type of exam is divided into two parts, namely the Individual Test and the Integrated Test. Type of test is ideal if you want to continue your studies abroad because foreign universities require TOEFL-iBT score as a mandatory requirement.



  1. My family lives in Semarang.
  2. Some of the books are
  3. The cat was
  4. The mayor as well as his brothers is going to prison.
  5. The boys walks to school.
  6. My teacher always comes on time.

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